| lavinia k chong m D
Medically reviewed by Lavinia K. Chong, MD, FACS

Female torso showing augmented breasts in white tankIf you live in Orange County, and have been considering surgery for breast augmentation, you have likely done a lot of independent online research looking for all the facts, options, and positive reviews you can find. You have an idea of what you want your breasts to look like after your surgery. But with all the options you have to consider, too much research may have you feeling overwhelmed. It is time to consult a board-certified female plastic surgeon. With the assistance of her trained eye, Newport Beach plastic surgeon Dr. Lavinia K. Chong can help you understand how your goals can easily be within reach.

Breast Augmentation Incision Techniques

You have envisioned your ideal breast shape and size, but have you considered the placement of the incision line? The type of incision and location of the scar is one aspect of breast surgery many Orange County women may not consider. While incisions from your breast augmentation surgery are designed to be hidden by your bra or bikini, you may have a concern about their visibility during intimate moments.

Your private surgical consultation with Newport Beach plastic surgeon Dr. Lavinia K. Chong will provide you the opportunity to address any questions or concerns you may have about your breast procedure. During your consult, she will review your medical health history and will work with you to develop a surgical plan designed to help you achieve your goals. In addition to reviewing the different types of incision lines, Dr. Chong will also review the following options and how they relate to your goals:

  • Type of breast implant (Saline / Silicone / Cohesive / Gummy Bear)
  • Breast implant shape & style
  • Breast implant size in relation to your current & desired cup size
  • Breast implant profile in relation to your desired cleavage & slope
  • Breast implant placement (above the muscle or under the muscle)

There are variations to incision lines when combining a breast augmentation with a breast lift, but breast augmentations alone will have one or the other type of incision. The two most common types of incisions used during breast augmentation surgery at our private Newport Beach surgical suite are periareolar or along the inframammary line. Both of these incision lines allow for discreet scarring. For more details on incision lines, read through our Breast Lift Vs. Breast Augmentation article.

1. Periareolar Incision

This incision type creates an entry point along the bottom of the areola, and is hidden within the change in the color and texture of the skin.

2. Inframammary Fold Incision

The breast fold, where the breast meets the ribcage, is called the inframammary fold or crease. This type of incision line (made within the inframammary fold) is hidden very well by a bra or bikini.

If you have opted for a virtual consultation and have more questions prior to scheduling your breast augmentation, do not worry. You will have the opportunity to meet with Dr. Chong at her office in Newport Beach in person for sizing. And your pre-operative appointment will provide you the opportunity to review your goals prior to surgery.

When you are discussing your goals with Dr. Chong, please be prepared to discuss your long-term goals for family planning. Newport Beach women seek the advice of Dr. Lavinia K. Chong for a variety of reasons, at various stages in life. You may be young, looking to increase your bust size, or may simply be looking to correct congenital asymmetry. You may be a mom who has breastfed, or a woman who over time has lost breast volume related to weight loss or age. Whatever your motivation, it is important to discuss the role of any current or future breastfeeding as it relates to your surgery and the type of incision to be used.

Call Dr. Chong for an Initial Consultation Today

As a female plastic surgeon, Dr. Chong understands that all women are unique and have different ideas of what they want their bodies to look like. As a surgical team, we look forward to supporting you along your breast augmentation journey in a safe, comfortable manner. If you are ready to get the silhouette you have been dreaming of, call (949) 644-1400 today for assistance with scheduling your consultation with Dr. Lavinia K. Chong.

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