Many women are unhappy with their size and feel that their breasts are disproportionately small for their figures. Other women find that as they get older, especially after pregnancy and nursing or significant weight loss, their breasts decrease in size. Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure that enhances the size of your breasts. In some cases, women may even use breast augmentation in combination with other procedures to enhance one breast that is smaller than the other breast in cases of severe breast asymmetry. Lavinia K. Chong, M.D. helps women in Newport Beach meet their unique goals through this procedure.
Breast Augmentation Explained
Breast augmentation and the implants used for the procedure are not one-size-fits-all solutions. During your consultation with our female plastic surgeon, Dr. Lavinia Chong, she will review your goals and help you explore the breast augmentation options available to assist you in achieving those goals. Aesthetic goals, anatomy, and customary activities are all areas of consideration during the selection of implant filler, surface and profile type, and volume.
We enjoy guiding patients in Newport Beach through the consultation and sizing process, selecting the ideal configuration:
- Filler type: Saline vs. Silicone
- Profile type: Standard, Mid-Range, High or Ultra-High
- Volume: A variety of sizes are available to fill the needs of all patients based upon aesthetic ideals, profession, and level of activity.
There has never been a better time to become the beauty you love! Recent innovations in breast implant technologies have provided prospective patients with the advantage of choice. Advances in technology have seen the expansion of saline implants for breast augmentation, which now offer mid-range and high-profile implants, reducing the possibility of lateral edge palpability. The industry has also seen the reintroduction of “responsive” and “cohesive” (gummy bear) silicone gel implants for breast augmentation patients who are 21 years of age or older.
Am I a Candidate to Receive a Breast Augmentation?
There are many reasons why women elect to undergo breast augmentation. Some include:

Congenital Hypomastia
Breast volume never developed to a patient’s satisfaction.

Postpartum Atrophy
Breast volume decreases after pregnancy and lactation. Typically, the area between the nipple and collarbone appears “empty”.

Weight Loss
Breasts experienced a loss of volume due to weight loss.

Breasts experienced a loss of volume due to aging.

Pronounced Asymmetry
Differences in volume or nipple position exist between each breast. Asymmetry is common but can be worsened by weight change, aging, and pregnancy.

Many women simply want additional breast volume and projection, occasionally to “balance” their torso with their hips.
Additional areas of consideration prior to breast augmentation include:
- Personal or family history of breast cancer. Baseline mammograms may be recommended before the breast augmentation procedure.
- Preferred sports and activities. Most of our patients in Newport Beach have vigorous and varied athletic lifestyles, from runners to yoga enthusiasts. We have even seen an uptick in weightlifting and CrossFit. In choosing the type and volume of the implant, patients are advised to review their current activities with Dr. Chong and discuss how they can expect their implants to perform in conjunction with those activities.
- Quality of breast skin envelope. Individuals with excessive breast skin, who do not desire breast lifts, will be counseled on the limitations of sub-muscular placement for breast augmentation.
- Previous breast surgical procedures or infections (mastitis).
- As applicable, the amount of time elapsed between when the patient stopped lactating and when they would undergo their breast augmentation procedure.
- Whether you are interested in revising a previous breast augmentation.
What Should I Expect From Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation at our Newport Beach facility is most frequently scheduled under “twilight” anesthesia (monitored anesthesia care). The procedure averages 1.5 hours. All aspects of surgical planning, incision choice, implant choice, and implant placement will have been previously reviewed with you during your pre-operative appointment.
The relative advantages and disadvantages of the incisions used for breast augmentation will be discussed during your consultation appointment. Options for incisions include:
- Periareolar: the lower junction of pigmented nipple complex and breast skin
- Inframammary Fold: the base of the breast
A “no-touch” technique utilizing Keller funnels (single-use devices) is used by Dr. Lavinia Chong to facilitate the placement of silicone gel implants. Drains are rarely needed for primary breast augmentations. All incisions are repaired in multiple layers of dissolving sutures.
Other Things to Consider Before Getting a Breast Augmentation
Gummy Bear Implants and Breast Augmentation
Gummy Bear implants are, in fact, silicone breast implants. “Gummy Bear” was a term coined by a surgeon as their consistency has a strong resemblance to the cohesiveness of Gummy Bear candy. If a plastic surgeon were to cut open a Gummy Bear implant, you would find that the silicone gel stays contained within the shell of the implant, and maintains its form. You can squish down on it, and while it is pliable, the silicone gel remains bonded and retains its shape. It is this higher level of cohesiveness that makes a Gummy Bear Breast Implant different from a traditional Silicone Gel Breast Implant.
How Long Have Gummy Bear Implants Been Around?
These higher cohesive silicone gel implants “Gummy Bear” breast implants have been available for quite some time. Over the years the availability of styles has expanded. Natrelle Inspira silicone gel breast implants offer patients three different levels of smooth cohesiveness: Responsive (“Gummy”), Soft Touch (“Gummier”), or Cohesive (“Gummiest”).
“I left my consult with Dr. Chong so happy. I left feeling understood, safe and felt like every possible question and concern had been addressed. Most importantly I felt she really wanted to help me achieve exactly what I wanted, which I hadn’t seen in other consults. A huge thank you to Dr. Chong and her staff!” -C.D. (Patient since 2016)
Why Have “Gummy Bear” Breast Implants Become so Popular in Breast Augmentation Surgery?
- Reduced rippling effect;
- Cohesive gel provides consistent breast shape;
- Silicone gel retains its bond even if the external shell becomes ruptured; and/or
Your consultation in Newport Beach allows an opportunity for you to “try on” various implants, thereby giving you a better understanding of the options available to help you achieve your goal. During your “sizing” you have the opportunity to feel the weight of the implant, as well as see the projection. Ultimately, your breast augmentation should make you look and feel more confident and well-proportioned.
Breast Augmentation and Breast Asymmetry
Uneven breasts may be subtly different, or incredibly noticeable. For many Newport Beach women, it is a desire to improve breast symmetry that prompts them to seek the knowledge and skill of female plastic surgeon Dr. Lavinia K. Chong. During your consultation for breast augmentation surgery, Dr. Chong works diligently to understand your goals and works with you to develop a surgical plan to improve the appearance of your breasts. This plan may include enlarging the smaller breast to match the size of the larger breast, reducing the size of the larger breast to match the smaller breast, or even enlarging the size of both breasts to achieve an even size. Breast augmentation surgery for asymmetrical breasts can help women feel more comfortable wearing bikinis, wearing tight-fitting clothing, or during intimate moments.
What Should I Expect in Terms of Recovery After A Breast Augmentation?
You may feel tired and sore for several days, but many patients return to normal activities within a week. Post-op medications, bowel programs, activity schedules, use of ice, massage techniques, and scar therapy will be discussed during your post-operative visits. All patients are encouraged to contact the office with any concerns. Warranty information, including options for an extended warranty of breast implants, is fully disclosed.